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Early Signs of Kidney Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore

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Kidneys have always been one of the most essential organs of the body in terms of filtering the waste out of it. In fact, it also plays an essential role in terms of removing excess fluid from the blood. But, if you are suffering from any chronic kidney disease, then it is important that you have diagnosed at the quickest. Getting it done early can certainly assist in the growth of disease progression. To make it more clear, below we discuss all about signs that you must not ignore as it reflects in kidney diseases. Let’s get in.

Swelling of Feet & Ankles

Swelling or edema is common when kidneys do not effectively filter out excess sodium and water from the blood. As the organs fail, fluid retention first appears in the legs and feet, causing them to appear larger or puffy. This is one of the important kidney disease symptoms to monitor closely. If you are experiencing this, then do not hesitate and book an appointment with the best nephrology hospital in Bangalore right away.

Feeling Nauseated or Fatigued

Toxins not eliminated may make you feel nauseous or unusually fatigued even after adequate rest. Chronic toxins in the body also reduce appetite and cause weight loss. Fatigue related to kidney disease feels disproportionate to activity level and regularly interferes with day to day tasks.

What Are The Changes in Urinary Habits

Urinating less frequently or producing smaller volumes, intense urination urges, and nocturia are signs the kidneys are not filtering properly. Cloudy, strong-smelling urine can also indicate kidney infection requiring medical evaluation and tests.

Itchy Skin or Rash

Waste buildup due to impaired excretion causes itchy rashes or skin breaks out easily due to fluid and toxin retention. Uraemic pruritus presents as severe itching all over with no visible rash needing prompt diagnosis.

High Blood Pressure

Renal disease often co-exists with hypertension which further stresses the organs if left unmanaged. Increased blood pressure levels damage the delicate kidney capillaries and filtration network over time. Getting BP under control is thus crucial.

Blood in Urine

Visible blood in urine samples or traces detected in routine tests could indicate conditions like kidney stones, infections or other structural problems. Bleeding requires prompt nephrologist in Bangalore consultation for diagnosis and treatment.

Constant Headache

Toxins accumulated due to reduced kidney function can trigger persistent headaches. Severe dehydration caused by vomiting, diarrhea or other losses increase toxin levels too. Headaches along with vision or sleep disturbances require evaluation.

Muscle Cramps

Extreme potassium imbalance leads to painful muscle cramps or tetany especially at night when toxins concentrate. Kidneys eliminate excess potassium, but impaired clearance causes abnormal levels.

Loss of Appetite or Nausea

When the kidneys fail, one may lose interest in food or find certain smells and tastes suddenly unpleasant. They may feel full quickly after eating. Nausea and vomiting without other likely cause could signal significant renal damage.

Swelling Around Eyes

Swelling around eyes, forehead or other parts of the upper body indicates retention of excess fluid and sodium. This occurs as kidney function declines reaching non-dialysis dependent stages.

Final Thoughts

Early detection aids chronic kidney disease diagnosis and treatment at a nephrologist. The best kidney treatment in Bangalore is available at Amrutha Hospital – a leading nephrology and dialysis center offering advanced care, clinical expertise and individualized management plans. Their expert nephrologists monitor all stages of CKD, ensure optimal care quality, and empower patients through education and guidance.

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